Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Juice Fast Day 3!

Woke up feeling great this morning! No headache! I do however, continue to feel fatigue and some mild mental cloudiness. I was actually up for doing some chores around the house!! So... today I had a thought of concern regarding my daily protein intake. The daily USDA recommendation for an adult female ages 19 - 70 is 46 grams! I am probably taking in anywhere from 10 - 15 grams. I have mostly been juicing Kale which has 2 grams of protein per cup uncooked/chopped. I bought some broccoli tonight which is slightly higher in protein about 3 grams per cup uncooked/chopped. I am going to try juicing the broccoli tomorrow with some apple! We shall see how it tastes! Anyone out there that has also done this fast...how did you get your protein in?? So with having this awesome day I decided to get out of the house! I feel like I have been too confined the past couple of days. So, my Husband and I decided to go to the mall. BAD IDEA!!! So many opportunities to cheat right in your front of your face! I think what made it suck the worst was the entrance we came into had an Auntie Anne's pretzel RIGHT THERE!!! Gahh! By the end of our shopping I was so tired mentally, emotionally, and physically. On the way home I had a break down. I just had this overwhelming rush of emotions. I was so angry and upset with myself for being so weak. I kept begging my Husband "Please, I am starving! Let's get something to eat!" And, he continued to just say "no" any other time he would have given into me. I am so thankful for his strength because his "no" brought me back to reality. Once I got into the car and started drinking some water the intense hunger went away. Then, I realized it wasn't actually physical hunger it was emotional hunger and for once in my life I could distinguish between the two because I did NOT give in. When we arrived home I had so much more clarity. I juiced some pineapple, orange, and ginger juice! Nom! Tomorrow will be better. I just thank God for getting me through day # 3. Day # 4 tomorrow!!! :)

Other than my usual "Mean Green" juice I try to incorporate some other yummy concoctions! My Husband Rob enjoying some pineapple, orange, and ginger juice I made this evening! He's so silly! I love him :)


  1. Hello. I just bought a juicer today and I am looking forward to start juicing. I will continue to read your blog!

  2. Awesome! I am here for encouragement or any advice! Thanks for reading! :)
