Big Girls Don't Cry...
This is not a medical website, I am not a doctor (even though, I occasionally prevent them from killing you!) or an expert, I am a nurse looking to create a healthier ME through a 30 day juice fast. I am also NOT a writer! The biggest reason why I began to blog is because I truly believe that it takes the support of others to achieve any goal. My inspiration to start this fast came from a documentary I recently watched called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" by Joe Cross. ENJOY!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Juice fast day 10!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Juice fast day 8!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Juice fast day 7!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Juice fast day 5!
Well, it's coming to the end of day 5!! I feel amazing!! I am spreading my juicing out more evenly throughout the day and juicing more frequently. I have found that by doing this I am not getting hungry as often. Those Wendy's commercials are still getting me tho!! On a different note - I usually get mild acne new pimples in 5 days! SCORE! I feel super energized today. I know I had said in a previous blog that I was going to start working out after my first week/weigh in, BUT I think I am going to start tomorrow :) Today, out of curiosity I started reading labels of the food in my house. My Husband fixes himself an egg and cheese sandwich every morning. I decided to read the ingredients in the bread he uses. The front of the packaging states "Wholesome Harvest" - "No Artificial Flavors". The packaging on the other hand does not state " No Artificial Ingredients". Be careful! Read all the labels! A simple bread recipe should include: water, flour, butter, yeast, salt, and sugar! I have posted photos of the bread labels below! I can't even pronounce some of these ingredients!!! DISGUSTING!!